Gift Shop
- New
- Part Atlantean - Part
Lemurian - Part American Western
- The Origin of COSMIC
- Thousands of years ago the transformed
Atlantean Prince, MOUNTAIN GHOST, started mining for magic, music
and wisdom inside the mountains of North America, hoping to
discover the way back to his long lost people. Over the years, he
learned from the Masters of the Mountain that it is not the way
back, or the way ahead, but the way here, right now, that matters.
The "path" to finding his people was not to go out searching for
his people, but to search for and to fully become his true self.
That way, when singing to the world in that lifetime, or the next,
or any thereafter, his true people would recognize his music and
find their way home to him.
- This, the Masters of the Mountain would
say, is the key to COSMIC GOLD. For those who seek the dream of
another time or place, COSMIC GOLD is impossible to find. For
those who are able to hold and to nourish the dream of this
treasured moment, COSMIC GOLD is everywhere, always.
- In the mountains of North America, you can
still hear MOUNTAIN GHOST mining for COSMIC GOLD, when he's
not busy time-traveling on CoachGhost to wherever his music is needed.
Though the entrance to the mine shaft is now closed to all but ghostly,
amusement park and musical characters, if you ever have a chance
to visit the MOUNTAIN GHOST INN, home of the COSMIC GOLD Mining
Company, you'll get to experience the same musical magic that
started it all so very long ago.
- And be sure to visit the COSMIC GOLD Gift Shop, next to the
COSMIC GOLD Wishing Well, where you'll find
and CD's, Concert Club Cards, souvenir
COSMIC GOLD and Activation Instructions, plus a selection of Atlantean,
Lemurian and American Western memorabilia and artifacts.
- On stage,
is the collective name of Live Musical Performances
featuring various members of the MOUNTAIN GHOST Family of New Age-Tropical-Cowboy
performers, musical artists and mythical characters.
- are service marks of
Mountain Ghost Music
- Copyright © Mountain
Ghost Music
- www.cosmicgoldgiftshop.com
- www.mountainghostinn.com
- www.mountainghost.com
- www.cosmicgold.com